Sunday, February 27, 2011

pH balance for the skin: Create Beautiful Skin that Will Last a Lifetime

Have you ever read, “pH balanced” on a product and wondered what it meant? From irritation, dryness, to acne, let’s discuss how pH levels can either resolve or cause further distress to your skin.

Our skin is naturally designed to fight against infection and the environment. The pH level of the skin refers to how acidic or alkaline your skin is. On a scale from 1 being the most acidic to 14 being the most alkaline, 7 is considered a neutral reading for your skin’s pH. Our skin has a thin, protective layer on the surface, often referred to as the acid mantle. This acid mantle is made up of sebum (free fatty acids) that is excreted from the skin’s sebaceous glands, which then mixes with Lactic and Amino Acids from sweat to create the ideal pH, which should be slightly acidic at about 5.5.

Many things can interfere with the delicate structure of the skin’s acid mantle externally and internally. As we age, our skin becomes more acidic in response to our lifestyle and our environment. Everything that comes in contact with out skin (products, smoking, air, water, sun, pollution) all contribute to the breaking down of the acid mantle and the skin’s ability to protect itself.

Our diet also plays a role in determining our internal and external pH levels. It's important to note that a food's acid or alkaline formation in the body does not comply with the pH of the food, itself. Foods that are considered acidic before digestion (like lemons) become alkaline-forming in the body. Most animal products, which are alkaline prior to digestion, are considered acid-forming in the body. According to Dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf, “We need our diets to be less acidic than alkaline, otherwise internally, we become too acidic.” An ideal diet consists of regularly alkalizing foods such as leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, and soybeans.

Maintaining the Acid Mantle – Optimal pH Skin Care The acid mantle is a form of protection, but if your pH level is too alkaline or too acidic, this mantle is disturbed, skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema , and rosacea may result. A skin care product may claim to be pH balanced, but you can verify the actual pH of a product by using an at-home pH testing kit (available at most drug stores). A physician can also determine your skin’s surface pH level and saliva tests can accurately indicate your body’s overall pH level.

Most cleansers, including bars and detergent soaps, are too alkaline for the skin, stripping away natural oils and causing it to become dry and irritated. Skin that is too alkaline can also be more susceptible to acne because a certain level of acidity is needed to inhibit bacterial growth on the skin. You may have noticed that many cleansers and shampoos are now avoiding the use of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which has the approximate alkaline pH level of 10 and can be very drying and irritating to the skin. Choosing mild cleansers and toners that are slightly acidic (close to 5) will assist in properly maintaining the acid mantle and benefit all skin types.

**********AMINO ACID SKINCARE*********
Amino acids do provide some genuine benefits to the skin. Amino acids, at their essence, are peptides. These are proteins, which can have a positive effect upon cells. They can help improve skin that has been scarred or has stretch marks. When used correctly, amino acids seem to be more powerful than an alpha-hydroxy system of skin care in terms of filling lines, smoothing skin and improving tone and color. Even better, they can achieve this with less irritation and photosensitivity.
It’s also understood that amino acids, applied externally in the right formula and also taken internally, can improve the skin’s ability to stay hydrated. Properly hydrated skin not only takes and holds cosmetics better, but looks and feels more youthful.
Threonine and Proline are two amino acids involving in collagen production. Proline, Glycine, Leucine and Lysine acts together as an exfoliant, works to improve moisture retention and also acts as an antioxidant, thus strengthening your skin even in harsh weather conditions.

I Promise Myself...

I Promise Myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
I Promise Myself to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
I Promise Myself to make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
I Promise Myself to look at sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
I Promise Myself to think only the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
I Promise Myself to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
I Promise Myself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on greater achievement in the future.
I Promise Myself to wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.
I Promise Myself to give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.
I Promise Myself to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the precense of trouble.
I Promise Myself to think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds.
I Promise Myself to live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in Me.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Have either of your parents been diagnosed with osteoporosis?

yes no

Did either of your parents have a “dowager’s hump”?
yes no
  Are you 40 years old or older?  
yes no

Have you ever broken a bone after a minor fall, or do you have a fear of falling because you are frail?
yes no

Do you fall frequently (more than once in the last year) ? 
yes no

After the age of 40, have you lost height more than 3 cm in  height ( just over 1 inch)? Are you underweight (is your Body Mass Index less than 19 kg/m2)? (See: “How to calculate you BMI”) Have you ever taken corticosteroid tablets (cortisone, prednisone, etc.) for more than 3 consecutive months (corticosteroids are often prescribed for conditions like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and some inflammatory diseases)? Have you ever been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis?
yes no

For women:

Did your menopause occur before the age of 45?
yes no

For men:
Have your periods ever stopped for 12 consecutive (other than because of pregnancy, menopause or hysterectomy)?yes noWere your ovaries removed before age 50, without you taking Hormone Replacement Therapy? 
Have you ever suffered from impotence, lack of libido or other symptoms related to low testosterone levels?
yes no

What you can change – your lifestyle factors
Modifiable risk factors which primarily arise because of diet or lifestyle choices.

 Do you regularly drink alcohol in excess of safe drinking limits (more than 2 units a day)?
(See: “How to estimate your alcohol consumption”)
yes no

Is your daily level of physical activity less than 30 minutes per day (housework, gardening, walking, running etc.)? Do you avoid, or are you allergic to milk or dairy products, without taking any calcium supplements?
yes no
yes no
Do you spend less than 10 minutes per day outdoors(with part of your body exposed to sunlight), without taking vitamin D supplements?
Understanding your answers:
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions it does not mean that you have osteoporosis. Positive answers simply mean that you have clinically-proven risk factors which may lead to osteoporosis and fractures.

Please show this risk test to your physician or health careprofessional who may encourage you to have a bonemineral density test (BMD), and who will advise on whattreatment, if any, is recommended. If you have no or few risk factors you should neverthelessdiscuss your bone health with your physician and monitor your risks in the future. You should also discussosteoporosis with your family and friends and encourage them to take this test.
You can get more information (and calculate your BMI),and also contact your national osteoporosis society via:
And don’t forget to give this new IOF One-Minute Osteoporosis Risk Test to your family and friends.



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你四十歲後的身高是否減少超過三厘米 (一吋)?
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你每天的體力活動 (如做家務、園藝、慢步、跑步等)是否少於三十分鐘?
□ 是 □ 否
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yes no

Love Means Freedom (from THE POWER by Rhonda Byrne)

Lately i come across one really good book named THE POWER. For those who read THE SECRET before, i am sure you will be interested in this book as well. Let me share with you some parts of this book which capture my attention.

The Power and Relationship: Love Means Freedom

Now here is the tricky bit with giving love in relationships, and it's the one thing that has prevented many from receiving the life they deserve. It is only tricky because people have misunderstood what it means to give love to others. To be very clear about what it means to give love to others, you need to understand what it means not to give love to others.
                    Trying to change another person is not giving love! Thinking you know what is best for another person is not giving love! Thinking you are right and anotherr person is wrong is not giving love! Criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, or finding fault with another person is not giving love!

"Hate is not conquered by hate. Hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal"
Gautama Buddha


 You cannot deny someone else's right to choose what they want, because that is not giving love. It is a bitter ill to swallow when your heart is breaking, but you must respect everyone's freedom and right to choose. What you give to another person you receive it yourself, and when you deny another person's feedom to choose, you will attract negative things that deny your own freedom. Maybe the flow of money to you decreases, or your health weakens, or maybe your job takes a downturn, because all of these things would affect your freedom. There is no other person for the law of attraction. What you give out to others, you give to yourself.

                    Giving love to other person does not mean you let people walk all over you or abuse you in any way, because that 's not giving love either. Allowing another person to use you does not help that person, and it surely does not help you. Love is tough, and we learn and grow through its law, and as part of that learning we experience consequences. So it is not love to allow another person to use or abuse you. The answer is, get yourself onto the highest frequency of good feelings that you can, and the force of love will resolve the situation for you.

"Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it"
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Concept of Research and Development : Maintain a Harmonize Healthy Life

The research and development of CAM

After more than 20 years of research combining the bioengineering expertise of Prof Dr Wang Kai Wah and the state-of-the-art biochemical technologies - single cell culture - a highly effective form of Calmodulin (CaM) has been successfully extracted. The Calmodulin extract is then combined with lechitin using technologies to form a nutrition compound that is stable and easy to absorb. This nutrition compound is then complemented with low fat milk powder, soybean extract, and American ginseng to become the CAM Calmodulin supplement, which is very safe for consumption and highly efficacious in maintaining body health.

Our Ultimate Goal is to Maintain a Harmonized Healthy Life

After the research on human body and organs, Prof. Wang discovers that human being is the most perfect creature of the God. All biological activities are working in harmony by several cells, sub-cellular structure, tissues and organs. Any abnormalities would lead to a series of disorders. To ensure our systems working in harmony, all the body cells and organs must function well.
                  However, due to the environmental pollution, erratic lifestyles and diet disorder destroyed the balance and coordination conditions. This will lead to endocrine disorders, immune dysfunction, obesity and excessive single oxygen production which led to a series of chronic diseases, premature malignant hyperplasia, etc.

Therefore, Prof Dr Wang firmly convinced that only the following criteria to research and develop products can prevent the occurrence of illness:

  1. Our basic unit block of body is body cells. Cells will make up organs which later form body systems. We need to have healthy cells in order to keep our body system in optimum condition. We must consider ideal balance concept for human body as well as improve overall functions of the systems and organs inside human body.Optimum health is achieved only when our human body are in balanced and regulated condition. 
  2. The best way to regain the health for patients is not only to alleviate the symptoms of the illness but also to regulate and maintain their physical mechanism entirely. 
  3. Provide whole body regulation is the principle while doing research and developing health care product. Prof. Wang has diagnosed some cases of the obese people who are not able to lose weight even they had tried a lot of slimming methods; their weight is still above 200 pounds. They are not only obese, but also suffering from high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia. They had lower their blood pressure, reduce the blood cholesterol and blood sugar after 3 months of regulations as well as their weight had lost 0.5 ~ 1 pound weekly. Although, they are losing 30~60 pounds, and there is reddish skin appeared but the skin wrinkles did not appear. Most importantly, they continued losing their weight after stopping from taking weight loss pills. This is due to the lipocytes and our body systems functioning properly in an optimal state that is also our superiority over the physical treatments as well as the principles of Prof. Wang.