Monday, March 28, 2011

SNOW LOTUS collection skincare

Effects of sun on skin
Sunlight has a profound effect on the skin causing premature skin aging, skin cancer, and a host of skin changes. Exposure to ultraviolet light, UVA or UVB, from sunlight accounts for 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging. Many skin changes that were commonly believed to be due to aging, such as easy bruising, are actually a result of prolonged exposure to UV radiation.
Damaging Effects of UVA and UVB
Both UVA and UVB radiation can cause skin damage including wrinkles, lowered immunity against infection, aging skin disorders, and cancer. However, we still do not fully understand the process. Some of the possible mechanisms for UV skin damage are collagen breakdown, the formation of free radicals, interfering with DNA repair, and inhibiting the immune system.

Sunscreens can help:
Studies have shown that sunscreens can prevent UV-induced wrinkling. Animal studies demonstrated that sunscreens with good UVA coverage can prevent sagging and wrinkling due to high intensity UVA. Recent evidence indicates that daily sunscreen use decreases the elastic damage of actinically injured human skin.

Now you no need to worry for hot sun with…
 Ocean light –Eureka UV cut cream SPF 50+ PA++++
Exclusive technology produces a micro thin-film factor to create an efficient protection from UVA and UVB radiation. Provide safety and long lasting protection against UVA and UVB even for those who have sensitive skins and children. With the active ingredient of Snow Lotus, it is not just for stress reduction and anti-radiation. It also reduces the free radicals that created by UV rays, thus enhance the anti-oxidant property of skin. A little amount is enough to apply for whole face. It does not fades off quickly even with sweat. With continuous use, face becomes fairer and pigmentation slowly reduces. Perfect to be used as make up base. The best is…it leaves your skin looking much radiant immediately and non-greasy!
Ingredient: natural plant extract including Laminaria Extract, Snow Lily extract, Glycerin, etc.
SNOW LOTUS : effective on anti-radiation, and to enhance the antioxidant capacity of skin cells
ALGINATE: rich of alginate which can strengthen the water retention of skin, and to prevent moisture loss under the sun
How to use: Apply a small amount to skin.

Feel soft, light, skin protected
High coefficient of feeling light, can be used for sensitive skin and children
Water and Sweat Proof. Penetration free. Coloration free. Oily free.
*terms and condition apply
One unit: 30ml
WM: RM100
EM: RM105

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Right to be Rich

Taken from the Book " The science of getting rich"

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the facts remains that it is possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.

A man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organised that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Lately i come across some interesting supplement from Snow Company. Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd ( 雪印乳業株式会社 Yukijirushi Nyūgyō Kabushiki-gaisha) is one of the largest dairy companies in Japan.

Here are some of the products information:

Here is the packaging with some japanese word which i dont understand....


With today's technologies, there are many interesting supplements which are available in the market. Although there are so many supplement in the market that claim can help to improve one's health, precaution must be taken to choose the most efficient products. Some people may have bad experience which they spend a lot of money on supplement that does not only not improve their health but bring hazardous effect. Appropriate prescription of supplement must be given based on overall check up of patient's health condition. Some supplement which show positive result on one's health may bring negative effect on the other's person health. Correct consumption of product is very important to bring out the best of the supplement. Products must be choosen carefully so that we can spend on product which is worth the value.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does Your Business Run Your Life?

Do you own an optical business? Or does your optical business own you? I have long subscribed to the belief that entrepreneurs should work on their business not in their business or at least spend more of their time on the former, so they can have their business working for them instead of the other way around. Too often, small-business owners get so bogged down in day-to-day activities, that the business ends up running their lives instead of enhancing them, ultimately leading to the loss of the joy the owners found in the activity that inspired them to start the business in the first place

Last week I finally started reading The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber. Originally published in 1981 and republished 2004 with the Revisited title, The E-Myth Revisited is one of the more highly regarded small business books in recent years. If fact, The E-Myth Revisited still holds the number one spot on in the entrepreneurship category. While much of the value in E-Myth can be gleaned from the first few chapters and must be noted that it is part of a line of products and consulting services, Gerber makes some striking observations that are so obvious, yet so thought provoking, the book could very well change the way to think about your business and your life, particularly if your business is your life.

Gerber begins with the idea that most small businesses fail because they are started by technicians; people that do a job whether they be electricians, opticians, optometrists, or sales people. These technicians are good at what they do, love what they do, and think they would rather do it for themselves instead for someone else, so they start a business. This is the entrepreneurial myth or E-Myth; the notion that if an individual is a master technician, he is automatically qualified to build a successful business around his skill. Of course, anyone who has given it the least amount of consideration knows there is much more to a business than the product or service it provides. However, Gerber goes on to state that anyone starting a business has within him no less than three competing personalities, one of which is likely to be dominant over the others:
The Technician – the doer or the worker bee
The Manager – the person who ensures the work is done efficiently, consistently, and on schedule
The Entrepreneur – the visionary, the person who imagines what the business can be and what direction the business should be going

In order for a business to succeed, all three roles must be treated equally. When technicians start a business, they tend to focus almost entirely on the product or service not always realizing that the purpose of the product or service, how it is presented, and how it benefits the consumer are even more important to the life of the business than the product or service itself. Moreover, the technician knows that no one can do the work better than he can and will often refuse to delegate the responsibility to others for that reason. This level of control can work in the beginning phases of the business and may even be necessary; however as demand increases, the effort and time required of the technician grow. Through enthusiasm, passion, or sheer will, the technician may be able to keep up with the demands of the growing business for a period of months or even years. However, at some point, the demands usually take their toll, the passion is lost, and the technician finds himself enslaved by his business, more miserable than he was when he was working for “the boss.”  
Gerber suggests the way to avoid this trap is to think of your business as if you were building a franchise, or a turn-key operation; a business you could hand over to someone else and it would continue run as if you were running it yourself. Envision your business the way you would like it to be, define in detail all the roles required to operate the business (even if you don’t have the personnel to fill the roles). Create and document processes and systems to ensure consistent and superior results while minimizing the skill required by people who will ultimately perform the various roles. Continue to step back and focus more on working on your business than working in your business.

How Will Recession Affect your Business?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

If looked at in the proper light, a recession can be a great opportunity for small business. Just as a down turn in the market is a signal to savvy investors to buy and look for bargains, a recession can be a perfect opportunity for you to invest in your business.

You may look around and find yourself selling less, notice competitors and industry partners having difficulties, and see an increase in corporate acquisitions (bargain hunters). However, know that your competition is getting smaller; leaving you with a chance to solidify your customer base and come out of the recession stronger than you entered it. Grab the market share your former competitors left behind and your remaining competitors are sitting on their hands waiting to return along with the good times.

While your revenues may be falling, you are likely experiencing a windfall in the most precious commodity: time. So, use it to your advantage. Invest in yourself and in your business. Streamline and document processes. Train your staff. Better your skills. Become the ultimate go to business for your niche. Improve your marketing materials. Look into cheap and free ways to promote your business using internet technologies. Take the time to learn more about and focus on your customers

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Must We drink Alkaline Water?

Alkaline Water benefits your health in many amazing ways!
Bob McCauley, the author of The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water, calls ionized water a powerful antioxidant, an effective alkalizing and hydrating agent, a detoxifier, and "one of the greatest health advances in human history"
You may already know about the great health benefit of drinking water , but how is alkaline ionized water different?
Well basically, it has a high pH level (pH of 8-11), and a negative redox potential (ORP), usually between-150 mV to -350 mV.Because of these facts, ionized alkaline water is a more powerful antioxidant, effective detoxifier, and superior hydrator, compared to “conventional” drinking water.

Powerful Antioxidant The centerpiece of ionized alkaline water is its antioxidant properties.
Water ionizers transform normal tap water into alkaline water and acidic ionized water Through the electrolysis process, hydroxyl ions are produced in the alkaline ionized water. These hydroxyl ions seek out and neutralize free radicals, making them wonderful free radical scavengers.
This is very important since free radicals are what cause damage to our cells and bring about disease and (premature) aging. When the hydroxyl ions as an antioxidant have neutralized the free radicals the result is a body rich in oxygen and energy.
Balances Body pH As An Effective Alkalizing Agent
Keeping yourself alkaline is your first line of defense in fighting any disease and alkaline ionized water creates a major impact in balancing the body's pH.
A body that is too acidic provides the ideal environment for diseases to manifest and thrive in. For example, accumulated acid waste in the joints encourages inflammation and arthritis. It turns acidic wastes into solids and stores them in fatty tissues resulting in hardening of the arteries and excess weight. Our body also tries to buffer the effect of this excess acid by taking calcium from the bones, and magnesium needed for heart health.
Therefore, one of the keys to great health is keeping the body pH properly balanced and alkaline. Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions produced, making the water highly alkaline, drinking plenty of ionized alkaline water will help dissolves accumulated acid waste and will balance your body pH.

Superior Hydrator And A Powerful Detoxifier
One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition, which leaves the body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. Drinking alkaline ionized water helps with this condition and can be up to six times more hydrating than “conventional” drinking water.
Alkaline Water is sometimes called Reduced Water because of its small molecular grouping. Water molecules typically group together in clusters of 10-13. Alkaline Ionized Water molecule clusters are clustered into 5-6 water molecules, thus they are reduced in size. Because the size and shape of the water molecule cluster is smaller, the water cluster is extremely penetrating and can pass through our cells more easily.
As it hydrates body tissue, it pushes out toxins or any thing else that do not belong. Thus, being superior hydrator and a powerful antioxidant, alkaline ionized water is very detoxifying.

Alkaline Water are available through different types of water purifier. You may even enjoy benefits of alkaline water anytime anywhere with Alkaline Stick or even Alkaline Flask Energy Cup.