Wednesday, April 27, 2011


我的夢 在天空飄呀飄 想要得到 就得跳得比人高
總有一天 再回頭望 我會為我自己驕傲

你和我做的都一樣 全都是為了一個 一個完美的夢想
雖然它在那 遙遠的地方 可是我確定方向
有時我也會一直想 無法預測的未來 難免有一些徬徨
可是我知道 在我的身旁 會有人陪我成長

喜歡起個早 要跟自己的昨天賽跑
我帶著小小的願望 期待大大的好

聽到我的心 像大鼓敲呀敲 心中渴望 太陽都聽得到
我的未來 只有我知道 堅持最後一秒
我的夢 在天空飄呀飄 想要得到 就得跳得比人高
總有一天 再回頭望 我會為我自己驕傲

你和我做的都一樣 全都是為了一個 一個完美的夢想

雖然它在那 遙遠的地方 可是我確定方向

喜歡起個早 要跟自己的昨天賽跑
我帶著小小的願望 期待大大的好

聽到我的心 像大鼓敲呀敲 心中渴望 太陽都聽得到
我的未來 只有我知道 堅持最後一秒
我的夢 在天空飄呀飄 想要得到 就得跳得比人高
總有一天 再回頭望 我會為我自己驕傲

我的心 像大鼓敲呀敲 心中渴望 太陽都聽得到
我的未來 只有我知道 堅持最後一秒
我的夢 在天空飄呀飄 想要得到 就得跳得比人高
總有一天 再回頭望 我會為我自己驕傲
總有一天 再回頭望 一定會為自己驕傲

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Health Talk in Miri

Topic: Preventing Heart Disease
Date: 28 April 2011
Time: 8 pm
Venue: Miri Chinese Physician Association
Admission: Free
Seats are limited. Please call to book a place
Contact: Ms Lily Wong 0163013834

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It is not just a Flower. It is a Fighter...
A rare beauty of nature that grows in the highest peaks of the Himalayan mountains, the Snow Lotus has been prized for generations for its wondrous medicinal benefits. Found 5,000 m above sea level, this pure, white bloom miraculously retains its snowy colour despite growing so close to the sun. The secret to its magnificence lies in its high antioxidant properties. This gives the plant its remarkable natural ability to fight ageing, keeping its petals brilliantly white, soft and cottony even in its extreme surroundings.

Tianshan Snow lotus is a sexennial herbage and a rare medicinal herb, a special Xinjiang local plant growing only in the rocky mountains and glaciers near the snowline about 5000 meters above sea level. The snow lotus has the ability to resist severe cold, intense ultraviolet radiation and low oxygen --- in such an environment no other plants can grow. The snow lotus begins to blossom around the middle of August in the fifth year of it’s sexennial growth period. The stem, root, leaves and blossom of the snow lotus contain a variant composition of alkaloid, volatile oil, steroid, polysaccharide, reduced substance, manganese, zinc and some other trace elements. Some of the ailments where it has been proved to have medicinal value are Rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscle soreness. It has also been shown to alleviate menorrhagia, functional irregular mentruation, impotence and weak physique. There are no known toxic side effects according to their research.
The harvesting of the snow lotus is regulated by the Chinese government and mostly by the military in view of the location of the plant. A certain number is allocated to research, some are sold to foreign researchers and to the public.

We are using Snow Lotus, pure natural plant formula and alginate for our skincare range. Snow Lotus is effective on anti-radiation, and to enhance the antioxidant capacity of skin cells. Alginate can strengthen the water retention of skin, and to prevent moisture loss under the sun. It is a powerful anti-aging products and can prevents formation of wrinkles and dark spots. The result is a bright, radiant and visibly more youthful complexion that has reinforced protection from ageing.

Please contact: Ms Lily 0163013834/ Mr Fam 0163936361

Thank you for viewing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011



请联络:Ms Wong 0163013834 / Mr Fam 0163013834