Monday, January 10, 2011

Too good to be true: Calmodulin

5 scientifically proven functions of Calmodulin

  1. Regulates the concentration of calcium ions 
  2. Regulates the nervous system and endocrine system
  3. Activates the enzyme system 
  4. Energy starter
  5. Activates the macrophages

  • prevents osteoporosis 
  • prevents hypercalcemia
  • improves learning capacity and memory
  • prevents lithiasis
  • reduces the acidity of the body
  • reduces cramps
  • alleviates insomnia
  • soothes the nerves
  • improves memory
  • improves concentration
  • prevents Alzheimer's disease
  • facilitates muscle contraction
  • alleviates menstrual discomforts
  • reduces acnes
  • prevents endocrine-related diseases such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, etc
  • reduces various types of skin spots
  • improves sexual functions 
  • promotes peristalsis of the intestines
  • prevents peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers 
  • prevents colon cancer and rectal cancer
  • alleviates gastrointestinal problems such as bloating and diarrhea
  • increases cell metabolic rate
  • promotes metabolism
  • reduces fatigue
  • increases vitality
  • delays aging
  • makes skin smoother and whiter 
  • prevents infectious diseases caused by bacteria, mildews and viruses
  • clears up tumors, lipoma, myoma
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • removes abnormal pigmentation (age spots) 
  • imrpoves allergic predisposition

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Calcium and Glaucoma

Calcium - Pros and Cons

Calcium excesses can be redistributed in the body to soft tissues, contributing to the risk of glaucoma. The more soluble forms of calcium supplementation are usually well absorbed and utilized, such as calcium citrate, calcium bis-glycinate, or microcrystalline hydroxyapatite. The problem with soft tissue damage due to calcium deposition may be more appropriately seen as a consequence of calcium shortages. When calcium levels are in short supply, the parathyroid hormone participates in a cascade that eventually asks the bones to give up a share of their calcium stores.

The host loses on two fronts: (1) too many withdrawal can eventually weaken the skeletal system and (2) the release of calcium from the skeleton is not well regulated. Excesses of calcium can tie up in soft tissues, exacerbating arthritis, arteriosclerosis, kidney stones and glaucoma. Recall that vitamin K assists in keeping calcium in bones and not soft tissue. Considering this, adequate amount of dietary calcium are absolutely essential to prohibit the activity of the parathyroid gland and the subsequent calcium withdrawal from the skeletal frame.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bone Density Test (Bone Scan) Center

DXA (Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry) Scan will give you an accurate measurement for bone mineral density (BMD). We are using the latest 3rd generation of DXA Scan which gives you an high degree of accurancy to diagnose osteopenia and osteoporosis. Two X-ray beams with differing energy levels are aimed at the patient's bones. When soft tissue absorption is subtracted out, the BMD can be determined from the absorption of each beam by bone. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry is the most widely used and most thoroughly studied bone density measurement technology.

DXA scan is simple and easy. It only takes you 10 minutes to complete the test. What is the most important things is that it the X-ray beams radiation is only equivalent to watching TV for 2 hours. You can have the result for the test after the DXA scan.

Our center are open for public for bone scan with affortable cost. There will be professional nutritionist who will be doing consultation for your bone condition.
  • Location:  6-L11-01, Tower 2, Menara PGRM No. 6&8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.
  • Operating hours: 10 am to 6.30pm
  • Operating days: Monday to Friday (close on public holidays)
  • There are two other bone scan center at Penang and Johor Bahru.

Furthur information please do contact me at : +60163013834 or email me at :

Prevention is better than Cure: Let us prevent Osteoporosis


What is a DEXA scan (bone density test)?
DEXA stands for "dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry," and is considered the most accurate test for bone density. While standard x-rays show changes in bone density after about 40% of bone loss, a DEXA scan can detect changes after about a 1% change. A DEXA scan lasts about 10 minutes, and exposes the patient to less radiation than a standard chest x-ray (about the same amount of radiation exposure as taking a trans-continental flight).
What do my bone density test results mean?
The results of a bone density measurement (DEXA scan) are reported in two ways: as T-scores and as Z-scores.
A T-score compares your bone density to the optimal peak bone density for your gender. It is reported as number of standard deviations below the average. A T-score of greater than minus-1 is considered normal. A T-score of minus-1 to minus-2.5 is considered osteopenia, and a risk for developing osteoporosis. A T-score of less than minus-2.5 is diagnostic of osteoporosis.
A Z-score is used to compare your results to others of your same age, weight, ethnicity, and gender. This is useful to determine if there is something unusual contributing to your bone loss. A Z-score of less than minus-1.5 raises concern of factors other than aging as contributing to osteoporosis. These factors may include thyroid abnormalities, malnutrition, medication interactions, tobacco use, and others.



  1. 1. Exercise daily for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Get healthy dose of the sunlight to stimulate production of Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium.
  2. A moderate amount of weightlifting ( or other resistance exercises ) can stimulate the growth of bone tissues, thereby strengthening the bones.
  3. Abstain from smoking and alcohol; reduce your intake of caffeine and carbonated drinks.

Supplementary daily intake of 1 to 3 sachets of CAM or Ma-CAM.

Please click on the website link below for furthur information:

Furthur information pls contact me at : +60163013834 (Ms Lily Wong)

Treatments for Osteoporosis: CAM that changed the course of history

Treatments for Osteoporosis
1. Calcium supplements + Vitamin D3
2. Estrogen + progestin
3. Calcitonin
4. Biphosphonate
5. A new domain in osteoporosis treatment: Calmodulin (CAM)

How much calcium do we need daily? 
For adults, a minimum of 1000mg of calcium is required, whereas for teenagers and and post-menopausal woman is about 1200-1300 mg. For pregnant woman, they required a minimum of 1500mg.

We does take a lot of food which is rich in vegetables but why do we still experience of osteoporosis?
Lets look at the information below:
1. 1 table spoon of sesame = 100mg calcium 
2. 28g of almond = 100mg calcium 
3. 150g of brocolli = 132mg calcium 
4. 1 orange (medium size) = 60mg calcium 
5. 150g of green vegetables = 100mg to 280mg calcium (depends on type of vegetables) 
6. 20g of ikan bilis = 250mg calcium 
7. 300 mg papaya = 75mg calcium
8. one glass of fresh milk = 300mg calcium 
9. 100g high calcium cookies/ biscuit = 288mg calcium

wow...looking at those foods does mean that we do take quite a lot of calcium? But why does we still lack of calcium and osteoporosis keep on happen among us?

The correct notion
Without CBP (calcium-binding protein), calcium in the human body cannot exert its proper functions. According to the most current studies, the most important CBP in the human body is Calmodulin (CAM). Calcium need to bind together with CAM so that it can be fully absorb into our body. CAM function like a keys which open the door and bring calcium from outside of cells to enter the inside of cells. CAM helps to regulate calcium ion inside our body.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis itself has no specific symptoms, that why it is known as silent killer. Normally in the early stage osteoporosis does not exhibit any signs and symptoms. Therefore, many people neglect the importance of maintaining a healthy bones and does not take important notice of it. The problem of osteoporosis is normally accumulated over 20 years before it exhibit signs and symptoms. If you experience the below symptoms, you are actually at the risk of osteoporosis:

  1. Backaches
  2. Loss of height
  3. Hunchback
  4. Bone fractures




Osteoporotic fractures are those that occur in situations where healthy peple would not normally break a bone. This kind if fractures are regarded as fragility fractures. Typical fragility fractures normally occur in the vertebral column (backbones), rib, hip and wrist. Part like ankle also easy to get hurt when your bones and joint is not strong.

The symptoms of a vertebra collapse ("compression fracture ") are sudden back pain, often with radiculopathic pain (shooting pain due to nerve root compression) and rarely with spinal cord compression or cauda equina syndrome. Multiple vertebral fractures lead to a stooped posture, loss of height, and chronic pain with resultant reduction in mobility.
Fractures of the long bones acutely impair mobility and may require surgery. Hip fracture, in particular, usually requires prompt surgery, as there are serious risks associated with a hip fracture, such as deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism, and increased mortality.
Fracture Risk Calculators assess the risk of fracture based upon several criteria, including BMD, age, smoking, alcohol usage, weight, and gender.

The Silent Killer: Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of bones which leads to an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis literally means "porous bones". Osteoporosis happens when the lattice-like bony tissues in trabecular bones (spongy bones) start thinning due to certain factors, resulting in the widening of the gaps between bone tissues, in another words, the reduction of bone density, thereby leading to what is known as osteoporosis.

In osteoporosis, the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is deteriorating, and the amount and variety of protein in bone is altered.

"World Health Organization (WHO) define osteoporosis as a bone mineral density that is 2.5 standard deviations or more below the mean peak bone mass (average of young, healthy adults) as measured by DEXA."

Normal Bones

Osteoporosis (porous bones)

What is osteosclerosis?
An imbalance in the metabolism of calsium ions results in a high concentration of bone minerals in cortical bones, which leads to a tendency towards excessive calcification of the bones; clinically, this is associated with such symptons as aches, cramps, etc.

Statistics on Osteoporosis in Malaysia
Osteoporosis-related fractures have been recognised as a major health problem, particularly in the elderly. In 1997, the incidence if hip fracture in Malaysia among individuals above 50 years of age was 90 per 100 000. Hip fractures are associated with high morbility and mortality rate up to 20% in the first year.

The majority who survive are disabled and only 25% will resume normal activities. The direct hospitalization cost for hip fracture in 1997 is estimated conservatively at RM 22 million.