Sunday, January 2, 2011

Treatments for Osteoporosis: CAM that changed the course of history

Treatments for Osteoporosis
1. Calcium supplements + Vitamin D3
2. Estrogen + progestin
3. Calcitonin
4. Biphosphonate
5. A new domain in osteoporosis treatment: Calmodulin (CAM)

How much calcium do we need daily? 
For adults, a minimum of 1000mg of calcium is required, whereas for teenagers and and post-menopausal woman is about 1200-1300 mg. For pregnant woman, they required a minimum of 1500mg.

We does take a lot of food which is rich in vegetables but why do we still experience of osteoporosis?
Lets look at the information below:
1. 1 table spoon of sesame = 100mg calcium 
2. 28g of almond = 100mg calcium 
3. 150g of brocolli = 132mg calcium 
4. 1 orange (medium size) = 60mg calcium 
5. 150g of green vegetables = 100mg to 280mg calcium (depends on type of vegetables) 
6. 20g of ikan bilis = 250mg calcium 
7. 300 mg papaya = 75mg calcium
8. one glass of fresh milk = 300mg calcium 
9. 100g high calcium cookies/ biscuit = 288mg calcium

wow...looking at those foods does mean that we do take quite a lot of calcium? But why does we still lack of calcium and osteoporosis keep on happen among us?

The correct notion
Without CBP (calcium-binding protein), calcium in the human body cannot exert its proper functions. According to the most current studies, the most important CBP in the human body is Calmodulin (CAM). Calcium need to bind together with CAM so that it can be fully absorb into our body. CAM function like a keys which open the door and bring calcium from outside of cells to enter the inside of cells. CAM helps to regulate calcium ion inside our body.

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